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Our methodology aims at demonstrating the benefits of the use of dedicated urban climate information in local decision-making.

Six sectoral service cases are being fully elaborated and demonstrated in the first phase of the project, in a joint effort involving end-users and service providers as project partners. These service demonstration cases are being implemented in Barcelona, Bern, Antwerp, Prague/Ostrava/Hodonín, Vienna, and Rome in the domains of health, building energy, emergency planning, urban planning, active mobility and cultural heritage. Each of the cases will be subject to a detailed service evaluation and socio-economic impact analysis, quantifying the benefits of using urban climate information.

The second half of the project will focus on upscaling and market replication, aiming towards a doubling of the number of demonstration cases. Through a business development strategy, supported by marketing activities, we ultimately aim at involving new non-financed end-users and business intermediaries to demonstrate the long-term market viability of the service.

Climate Fit 2017-2019 PUCS. All rights reserved.
European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme is developed as part of the PUCS project, which has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 73004